Upcoming Book: Collaborative Strategies for Entrepreneurs in Higher Education...

Upcoming Book: Collaborative Strategies for Entrepreneurs in Higher Education...


My name is Ella Epshteyn, and I am the author of You are HigherED! Collaborative Strategies for Entrepreneurs in Higher Education Teaching and Learning. You are HigherED! is a nonfiction book for higher education professionals, such as faculty, administrators, course designers, IT professionals, librarians, and many others, looking to set themselves up as entrepreneurs, as well as those already taking on projects outside of their day jobs, but unsure about the next steps.

I wrote this book because entrepreneurship can be a confusing, scary, and lonely place. My goal is to start a conversation around collaborative entrepreneurship in teaching and learning and how we can support and promote each other. I hope that in reading this book, you will discover how using the power of professional networks and forming alliances in this space can help create stronger products and services. Ultimately, I want you to see this book as a tool to help you navigate this new-to-you space.

In this book, you'll learn about developing an entrepreneurial mindset, identifying a niche, creating a business canvas, and setting up a marketing funnel. You'll hear stories based on my own personal and professional lived experiences, as well as those told by fellow entrepreneurs - instructional designers, faculty developers, authors, and others, such as:

  • Stories about burnout, life changing events, and other circumstances that make higher education professionals seek out alternative career paths.
  • Examples, profiles, activities, and tips from established entrepreneurs.
  • Steps to finding support for getting started, as well as collaborative strategies for promotion and marketing.
  • Overview of relevant technology and tips on choosing the right tools to support entrepreneurial activities.
You will love this book if you are an aspiring entrepreneur who is looking for guidance, support, and resources in setting up and promoting your own entrepreneurial space. The book merges personal narratives with professional ones and is meant to start a conversation, to challenge, to discover. I welcome you to engage with me in a companion discussion forum.

Join the conversation at https://learning.attecenter.com (Entrepreneurship in Teaching and Learning Forum).


The ultimate goal of this book is to connect, to build a network, and to facilitate collaborations. So, please reach out, and let’s get this conversation going.


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